When most people think about things that may help relieve anxiety, it usually has something to do with the senses of sight, touch or sound. Maybe you think of something like getting a soothing massage or watching the first snowfall of the year. While it may seem unlikely if you’re not familiar with aromatherapy, your …
stress relief
How Weighted Blankets Get Rid of Anxiety
There are plenty of things that people use or do to relieve stress and anxiety. Some people may practice yoga or work out, while others may sit back and watch a movie with their family. One method of relieving stress for some others is to take nice long naps or go to sleep early, mostly …
Apps That Help Alleviate Anxiety
Our daily lives often become super hectic these days. We constantly find ourselves trying our best to keep up with everything on our to-do lists and stay organized, but it’s truly not easy. Few people want to lug around a heavy journal to keep track of their emotions along with their planner, family calendar and …